Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tampak Siring Palace

Tampak Siring Palace was built in the hilly area with the height around 700 meters above sea level. The tourists who visited this place could witness the story and the function of the historic building that had been used by the Republic of Indonesia Presidents. At Wisma Merdeka that had the area 1.200 m2, for example, the visitor could see President Sleeping Room I and Sleeping Room II, Family Sleeping Room, Guests Room, and the Office with the beautiful arrangement. In this building tourist also could see decorations took the form of the statue as well as choice paintings.

Meanwhile in Wisma Negara, the tourists could witness a building widely around 1.476 m2 that was the building to entertain the guests of the country. Between Wisma Merdeka and Wisma Negara was met the gap as deep as +- 15 meters that separated the two wisma. Therefore, was built a bridge along 40 meters in a wide manner 1,5 metre to connect the two wisma. The guests of the country are usually accompanied through this bridge to head Wisma Negara, so as this bridge was also known by the name of Jembatan Persahabatan (Friendly Bridge). The guests of the honor that had passed this bridge, of Emperor Hirihito from Japan, President Tito from Yugoslavia, Ho Chi Minh from Vietnam, and Queen Juliana from Nederland.

Wisma Yudhistira was the place spent the night the party of the presidency and the party of the guest of the country. Wisma that was located in the middle of Tampak Siring Palace complex had the area around 1.825 m2. Whereas Wisma Bima building widely around 2.000 m2 usually used as the place of the rest of the president's guards and the guest guard of the country. The other building that was not inferior important was the Conference Building. This building deliberate was built for the need of the cabinet meeting, the state dish, as well as important conferences.

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